While I am a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Washington- the Indwell Online studio is not psychological care or mental health counseling. Participating in the online studio does not put us in a therapeutic relationship. I encourage you to talk to a local mental health professional and medical doctor to see if this would be the right fit for you.
If you are a past, current, or potential client- participating in the online studio may put risks to your confidentiality. By registering you are consenting to and taking liability for those risks.
While I am a somatic experiencing® practitioner, certified yoga teacher, and movement educator- I am not a doctor or physical therapist. I am not here to prescribe treatment or diagnose symptoms. This studio is strictly and only for educational and experiential purposes.
By registering for this studio you are accepting full liability of any and all financial, physical, emotional, psychological, relational, or other risks or injuries that may occur as consequences of participation.
If you participate in the live community calls you are consenting to your presence, movements, questions, and all involvement being recorded and able to view for studio members. You understand that you will not be able to have these videos removed from the online studio platform at any time for any reason.
What this studio IS:
It is Trauma Informed: This means that everything is invitational. There is no “right” or “wrong” movement for you to do throughout the studio. While I will ofter specific postures and movements to stretch, strengthen, and move your body- I believe your body is the wisest thing about you so you can take or leave any offering at any time!
It offers a “shared authentic experience” (it is unedited on purpose!) There are moments of me burping (good ol’ parasympathetic activation!) mixing up right and left, and laughing. Why? because I believe that modeling being a body is necessary on our journey of being fuller, freer bodies. If I take out all the things that make me a body, that defeats the entire vision and intention for this studio!
This is intentionally a stripped down, minimalist, untidy studio…aka it is a studio without a lot of production or rigamarole: I want you to feel comfortable in your body, and I know often for myself when I’ve participated in highly produced online studios there is a feeling of pressure to “keep up” with the appearances of the teacher. You’ll learn pretty quickly that there is nothing to “keep up” with here- everything is invitational.
It is psycho-educational: While I believe that movement is so vital for our bodies, I think that conscious, intentional movement is even better! There are videos of me teaching about the mind-body connection, anatomy, trauma’s impact on the body and movement, and more! For those who like to nerd out there is a “teaching” section that is all about theory and education. For those who want to just move…you can ignore that section! All ideas are informed by years of learning, but are my own. You are not required or expected to agree with my teachings.
It is “living”: There will be fresh content added weekly!! While there are already some videos uploaded and ready for you to view, I’ll be sending out a weekly email to members announcing the new teachings and classes to partake in!
It is communal: As part of the online studio you’ll have access to quarterly live calls with me and the other members. There is also opportunity and potential for more live calls in the future!
It is striving for accessibility: I acknowledge that I am offering this studio as an able-bodied woman who is on a continual journey of working through internalized able-ism. It is my intention and commitment to host a space that honors various bodies, sizes, abilities, ages, and experience levels. I recognize that not all of the exercises and movements will feel good or work for all bodies. I am leading movements from my unique body and doing what feels good to me, while I will also strive to offer adjustments and modifications that help folks of various bodies. If you have any specific needs for your body I am always open to hear those. As I continue filming new classes each week will do my best to make them safe and accessible. All videos have the option of closed captioning. I also recognize this studio may not work for every body, and I am here to help you find a better fit for you if that is the case.
It is engaging individual bodies and collective bodies: This studio is unapologetically anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-all other forms of oppression. It is LGBTQ+ affirming. I recognize that based on our proximity to power and privilege we will feel exercises, breathwork, and movement differently. I teach from a continual commitment to my own individual liberation and freedom of movement that is not separate from collective liberation and emancipatory futures. I am continually learning and growing to be aware of my bias’ and unconscious conditionings, and this learning will come through in my teachings as I engage how systems of power and tyranny (IE: white supremacy, capitalism, and christian supremacy) are responsible for the severing of connection to our bodies that happens in the first place. Bullying, intimidation, dogma, harassment, or harmful behavior and comments will not be tolerated from any one at any time. If I witness something being said or done in a community call I will pause and call out the behavior. I do not have control of studio members outside of the studio space. While members are free to engage one another outside of the online studio- you are taking on full liability for any and all forms of communication outside of the community calls.
It is committed to privacy: While I cannot guarantee anyone's privacy on an electronic platform- I will do my best to ensure your privacy. As a member of this studio you are expected to honor the privacy of myself and every other studio member. You may not share personal, identifying information, photos, or videos of me or anyone else without their and/or my full, informed, enthusiastic consent. The studio is for studio members only. You will not share contents of the studio with anyone at any time for any reason. This respects the labor I have put into this container.
What the studio IS NOT:
It is not therapy, mental health counseling, or psychological care: While I am a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Washington- this studio is specifically for educational and experiential purposes. This does not replace mental health care, and participating in this studio does not put us in a therapeutic relationship. I encourage you to talk to a therapist and make use of local mental health services, if you are seeing a therapist I’d recommend you talking with them to see if this would be a good fit! If you are a current, past, or potential client- participating in this studio may put a risk to your confidentiality and privacy. By registering for the studio you are consenting to those risks and taking liability for any potential outcomes.
It is not medical advice or care (I am not a doctor!): While I have done extensive movement trainings via yoga and dance, and physiological training through becoming a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner- I am not a doctor. I encourage you to talk to your doctor in advance of any physical activity. The studio does include some strenuous activities and stretches, and any time you are doing something new you’ll want to make sure it is good for your unique body.
It is not an end-all, be-all: One of my favorite phrases is “Nothing is a problem until it is the only solution.” This very much includes the somatic work I offer. While I personally am biased towards movement, and I believe deeply in Indwell movement, I don’t believe this studio is a one size fits all. I’d love for you to join this space, and if it doesn’t feel like the right fit for your body- great! I encourage you and cheer you on as you explore various forms of movement, resting, stretching, and strengthening that may resonate more with you.
It is not a magical pill: Sometimes when we move we can actually feel worse before we feel better. There are risks of injury, emotional triggers, financial burdens, and relational stressors that can arise with any movement and communal practice. By deciding to participate in the studio you are taking liability for any and all risks and potential harms as consequences of your movements and participation. You understand that everything is invitational, and you are not required to do any of the exercises, breathing techniques, meditations, teachings, etc. You are deciding to participate in this studio on your own without coercion.
By registering you acknowledge and agree to the policy that there are no refunds given for purchases and payments you've made. You understand that by registering you will be paying monthly or annually to continue having access to the online studio. You can cancel your membership at any time and you will not be charged for the following month or year (depending on your subscription.)
Phew! That is a lot! Thank you for reading. This is vital to allow for your full, willing consent to participate in this container so that we can try to make sure this is a mutually beneficial experience.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
What’s in the studio?
Hundreds of hours of movement and mindfulness classes with closed captioning available.
Educational psycho-somatic teachings with closed captioning available.
NEW content uploaded weekly-ish :)
Access to quarterly live-zoom calls with me and other studio members!
What does it cost?
The online studio is a subscription-based membership. The cost is $29.00/month or $348.00/year.
**If you register for the online studio you will be charged monthly or annually (depending on your subscription) until you cancel.
****Squarespace has recently changed their cancellation process- so if you’d like to cancel any time just contact me and I will do that through the back end.
Financial Statement: No one will be prohibited from the studio due to lack of funds. If $29.00/month is inaccessible for you let me know and I’ll work with you to find a rate that is doable!
Disclaimer: Although I am a mental health professional- this online studio is not mental health therapy and does not put us in a therapeutic relationship. I am not a doctor or physical therapist, and recommend you consult with your physical and mental care team before engaging in the Indwell Online Studio.
Register now to get started!
Start streaming movement classes, mindfulness exercises, and teaching videos now!
The Indwell Online studio is not psychological care, mental health counseling or medical advice. It is for educational purposes only. The online studio does not put us in a therapeutic relationship. If you are a past, current, or potential client- participating in the online studio may put risks to your confidentiality. By registering you are consenting to those risks. By registering you are taking on any and all potential liability for injury, financial payments, & all terms of participation.
What are people saying?
"I'm so grateful for the latest offerings that Jenny has created! The new Online Studio courses are amazing! A variety of topics with ALL of her specialties taught in her kind, comforting and loving way. And of course, they are available any day, any time 24 /7 - what a perfect way to keep us on the healing path. Thank you, Jenny for ALL you do and who you are! I'm feeling blessed all over my mind and body :)"
“To quote Jenny; “there are as many ways to be human as there are humans on this earth.” In the Indwell Studio, I feel that my way of being human in this body— that no other has lived in—is honored in her fullest form. Each practice, for me, is both grounding and ground-breaking. The guidance and care brings me to deepest gratitude for this space. It is a space I am finding home within myself in forms of both strength and softness, and it is beautiful.”
“The Indwell Online Studio has been such a powerful and invaluable resource of being gently guided into deeper connection to my own body. Having lived most of my life disembodied, I have often felt the need to search for what was "missing". Jenny's wisdom and support through these embodiment classes has provided a portal for me to explore that what I have been searching for has in fact always been within me. She has created a safe space to journey through what this means, looks like, and actually FEELS like. With every movement and every invitation, I have experienced a closer sense of what it means to come home to myself.”
I have spent over 20 years dancing, as well as over a decade in yoga and other forms of movement, including over 500-hours of yoga certification trainings. My focus in my classes is being trauma-informed. All of my classes are invitational- meaning there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do my classes. If I am doing my job right you are doing what feels best in your body. Trauma, stress, religious dogma, and just living a sedentary life can cause us to unlearn one of the most innate things about being a body- movement! Before we took our first breath, we moved. Movement not something anyone had to teach us. Movement comes from the wisdom of the body.
What’s it include??
Discover vitality that comes from exploring movements from the inside out. Grow your awareness of the constraints that you’ve been taught about how you “should” or “shouldn’t” move. Find freedom in discovering your own, unique movements!
Experience the life giving energy of connecting with your breath. Learn where you’ve been holding certain breathing patterns and practice releasing them to find deeper, truer expressions of contraction and expansion.
Learn from the “top-down” through various theoretical and anatomy lessons. Discover the magic of your body and its interconnectedness through easy-to-understand science.
Live Calls
Each quarter there will be a live call available to all members of the online studio. This call will be on the Summer and Winter Solstice and Spring and Autumn Equinox. These calls are a way to tune in to the seasonal and somatic rhythms of embodiment as well connecting with the community.
Embark on journeys through your mind through imagery, visualization, and meditation. Learn how to settle the anxious thoughts that can get in the way of being present.
And So.Much.More!
There are practices of resting, stretching, dancing, sensuality and more- all intended to help you take good care of your good body.
“I’m a 57 year old woman who has always had a very complicated, mostly fraught relationship with my body. My childhood included much harm, chaos, and abuses of all kinds—including physical and sexual. While I have done quite a bit of story work and recovery work, embodiment remains a significant challenge for me. I live much more easily and joyfully within my heart and my head than in my body. Additionally, in the last decade, I have become disabled with a number of autoimmune diseases, further inhibiting both my ability to move and to simply be comfortable in my own skin and body. For me, the Indwell Studio is pure safety, care, acceptance, love, and support. I can “be” in the studio without any fear, self-consciousness, or inhibition. I can “go” to the studio whenever I want or need. There, oftentimes, I weep with relief as I move, free from shame, as I am able. Jenny’s kindness, acceptance, and gentleness are good and gracious gifts to me in an especially difficult season of loss and pain. I have been in many, many classes, gyms, and studios. I have had many teachers. This experience stands alone in its ability to reach and care for what I am learning is, despite it all, my very good body. I am deeply grateful for the Indwell Studio.”
— Lisa
Still have questions?
If you have any questions or concerns on whether the online studio is a good fit for you- let me know and I’ll do my best to help answer them!
No one else in all of time has lived in your body, but you!
"I have been attending your classes for two years now. Somatic Movement classes gave me the most special experiences, such as self-connection, a deep meditation and breathing experience, and now I joined the studio. I am currently suffering from a physical injury and cannot do physical movement. One of the advantages of this studio is that there are training videos (non-motion), it is very appreciable that the trainings are prepared for people in any condition. This makes every person with any physical ability and limitation to choose their own class according to their needs. The teaching of human anatomy, respect for the body, knowing the limits and knowing breathing and spirit in the videos have always been special and unique for me. Apart from that, as someone whose English is my second language, I never had a problem understanding the tutorials, and I owe this to my good instructor and Jenny's unique eloquence. I never have felt that I am present in an online studio, but I establish such a deep and tangible connection with my good instructor that it is as if my class is in person and this advantage is extremely important to me. I am extremely grateful for all your efforts and sharing your knowledge with the community You are always the reason for my good mood.”
— Sarah
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